Issue Resolutions
The Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association has adopted the following resolutions:
Policy Compendium as of April 28 2023
Policy Compendium as of March 2015
2024 Resolutions:
2024-01 IRCC International Student Cap and Negative Impact on Northwestern Ontario
2024-02 Northern Ontario Transportation Task Force Resolution
2024-03 AMO Social and Economic Prosperity Review Support
2024-04 Conservation Officer Reclassification
2024-05 International Bridge between Fort Frances & International Falls
2024-08 Support for Municipal Airports and Scheduled Passenger Services
2024-10 Emergency Room Closures
2024-11 Long Term Care Beds Advocacy
2024-12 Provincial Libraries Operating Grant
2024-13 Doctor Recruitment and Retention
2024-14 Flashing Lights on Highway Construction Zone Stop Signs
2024-16 Supporting Resolution for Sioux Lookout for the Northern Allowance Reinstatement
2024-18 Support of Bill 21, Fixing Long-Term Care Amendment Act (Till Death Do Us Part)
2024-19 Municipal Highway Infrastructure
2024-20 School Bus Stop Arm Cameras
2024-21 Expanding the Life of Fire Apparatus
2024-22 OHIP Coverage for Chronic Pain Treatments
2024-23 Affordability of Water and Wastewater Systems
2024-24 Provincial and National Fire Fighting Strategy
2024-25 Climate Action Incentive Rural Supplement
2024-26 Amendment- Occupational Health and Safety Action- Clarify the Definition of "Employer"
2024-28 Community Safety and Well-being Plan
2024-29 Resource Revenue Sharing
2024-30 Crown Land Development
2024-31 Tax Rate for Railway Rights-of-Way – Per Tonne-Mile Concept
2023 Resolutions:
2023-01: A Call to the Provincial government to Address Homelessness in Ontario
2023-02: Rescind Bill 60 proposal to create private for-profit hospitals and clinics
2023-03: Barriers for Women in Politics
2023-05: Social Issues, Support for Vulnerable People
2022 Resolutions:
2022-01 Joint and Several Liability
2022-02 Housing Development Support
2022-03 Northern Immigration Pilot
2022-06 HWY 17 Kenora to Thunder Bay
2022-07 Federal Electoral Boundaries Redistribution
2021 Resolutions:
2021-06 Support for Hydro One's Waasigan Transmission Line
2021-09 Support FONOM request for Municipal Land Transfer Tax as Revenue Tool
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