For immediate release: Thursday, October 20, 2011
THUNDER BAY –The Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA) welcomes the appointment of the Hon. Rick Bartolucci as Minister of Northern Development and Mines, the Hon. Kathleen Wynne as Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and the Hon. Michael Gravelle as Minister of Natural Resources.
NOMA president Mayor Ron Nelson says, “NOMA has worked hard to develop a constructive relationship with the Liberal Government over the past 8 years. We look forward to working with Minister Wynne to address our issues regarding much needed municipal funding to ensure our communities are able to maintain a good quality of life.”
Mayor Nelson continues, “We are eager to work with Minister Bartolucci to quickly move forward with the implementation of the Growth Plan for Northern Ontario that was started by Minister Gravelle. We trust that an announcement regarding the next stage of development of the Northern Policy Institute will be forthcoming to ensure that policies for the North are based on research conducted in the North under the supervision of Northerners. We also look forward to continuing to work with Minister Gravelle on important matters related to forest management and endangered species.”
NOMA represents the interests of municipalities from Kenora and Rainy River in the west to Hornepayne and Wawa in the east. It provides leadership in advocating regional interests to all orders of government and other organizations.