Greyhound Bus Lines
WHEREAS Greyhound Canada has announced that it is giving 90 days notice to the Ontario Highway Transport Board to cease operations in northwestern Ontario on December 2, 2009;AND WHEREAS inter-city bus service is essential to all residents, health care services and businesses off the member communities of the Thunder Bay District Municipal League and Northwestern Ontario;
AND WHEREAS the senior levels of governments do have a responsibility to the residents and business of our communities;
AND WHEREAS Canada was founded as a country on effective transportation systems of all modes as a matter of national and provincial strategic policy;
AND WHEREAS elimination of more fuel and carbon efficient means of transportation alternatives run counter to the intent of international, national and provincial concern for the reduction of green house gas emissions;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Thunder Bay District Municipal League requests that the Government of Canada and the Government of the Province of Ontario work with Greyhound Canada and/or all transportation service providers to resolve difficulties to ensure that inter-city bus service continues to serve our communities;
AND FURTHER THAT the Ontario Highway Transport Board deem that the discontinuance of service would be to cause serious hardship to the users of the scheduled inter-city bus service as referenced in Section 6.1 (3) of Ontario Regulation 982 under the Public Vehicles Act R.S.O. 1990;
AND FURTHER THAT the Thunder Bay District Municipal League forward this resolution to the Prime Minister of Canada, the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Transport for Canada, the Minister of Transportation for the Province of Ontario, the Ontario Highway Transport Board, the Federal MPs, the Provincial MPPs serving the member communities of the Thunder Bay District Municipal League and the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association.
Adopted 2009