Board of Directors
Mayor Wendy Landry (Shuniah)
email: president@noma.on.ca
Mayor Fred Mota (Red Lake)
Executive Vice President
Mayor Kevin Kahoot (Ear Falls)
Vice President - KDMA
Mayor Doug Hartnell (Dawson)
Vice President - RRDMA
Councillor Kristen Oliver
Vice President - Thunder Bay
Thunder Bay District Representatives
Mayor Jim Vezina (O'Connor)
Councillor Eric Pietsch (Greenstone)
Mark Figliomeni, CAO (Red Rock)
Kenora District Representatives
Mayor Gord Griffiths (Machin)
Mayor Andrew Poirier (Kenora)
Roger Nesbitt, CAO (Dryden)
Rainy River District Representative
Councillor Lisa Teeple (Emo)
Councillor Wendy Brunetta (Fort Frances)
Jason Young, CAO (Atikokan)
City of Thunder Bay
Mayor Ken Boshcoff
Commissioner of Growth, Kerri Marshall