For immediate release: March 4, 2011
THUNDER BAY – The Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA) welcomes the introduction of the Growth Plan for Northern Ontario as a significant step forward on the long journey towards a more prosperous and diversified region. The 25-year plan establishes a strategic framework and sets out policies and actions for how the Ontario government will engage, support and work with northern communities, businesses, Aboriginal communities and public sector partners.
“NOMA members have been enthusiastic participants in the development of the Northern Growth Plan through a great number of meetings and discussions over the three and a half year process,” said Ron Nelson, President. “We welcome the release of the Plan and are pleased to see that many of our recommendations have been included in the final document.”
Nelson continued, “NOMA is especially pleased to see the establishment of a Northern Policy Institute. It is vital that public policy for the North is developed in the North. We will continue to work with the Ministry to ensure that the needs of the Northwest are addressed as decisions are made regarding the operating structure and physical location of the Institute.”
NOMA represents the interests of municipalities from Kenora and Rainy River in the west to Hornepayne and Wawa in the east. It provides leadership in advocating regional interests to all orders of government and other organizations .