Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association - Strategic Plan Tracker
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Strategic Plan Tracker




1.     Orientation document for other orders of govt (elected and staff)

2022; updated every provincial/fed election

Completed August 14, 2022

2.     Primer on NW for website and Strategic Plan


Completed August 14,

Updated September 19, 2023

3.     Broadband/ implementation plan

2022 -2025

February 13, 2024

4.     Initiate discussions about a PAN NW Economic Plan; if support, then project charter/workplan prepared


May 23, 2024

5.     Track fiscal condition of municipal governments – annual FIR work


May 20, 2024

6.     Analyze asset management information; working group; opportunities/gaps


November 13, 2023

7.     Info sharing on infrastructure mitigation and resiliency climate change


Completed September 12, 2023

Updated November 9, 2023

8.     Funding program inventory


May 22, 2024

9.     Modernization project inventory

2022 ongoing **

May 20, 2024

10.  Info sharing on municipal governance (youth etc.)

2023 (New Councils)

September 12, 2023

11.  Municipal labour information on succession package for councils

2023 (for new councils) (ONWARD/CAOs)

 February 5, 2024

12.  Council remuneration approaches

2024 (prior 2026 Muni elections)


13.  Leaders' discussions on indigenous relations

2022 - ongoing

April 23, 2024

14.  Share info on procurement savings - NOMA/CANOE Ed'n/Outreach

2022 – ongoing

May 29, 2024

15.  Investigate multi-municipal interest in joint facility design/construction


May 23, 2024

16.  Delivery of social/community health services; build on recent housing summit; public health input; community wellness; Northern transportation (linkages to Pan West)

2022 ongoing

February 15, 2024

17.  Communication to members on Board activities – direct to council members

2022 ongoing

April 26, 2024

18.  Investigate and build linkages/MOU with NW education institutes and use of students on projects. Look for student placement programs and how others can assist

2022 - Intern Hired June 12th 

July 10, 2023

19.  Post 2022 municipal election, build elected officials contact list to communicate directly with them

2023 ongoing

February 25, 2024

20.  Look at different approaches to conference planning

2023 ongoing

April 24, 2024

21.  Undertake learning mornings for members

2022 ongoing

May 29, 2024

22.  Institute Strat Plan 2027 -2032 in 2006




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