Thunder Bay District Municipal League
The first meeting for the organization of the League was held in Fort William on April 27, 1917 and was known as the Fort William District League.
Membership to the League is open to all incorporated municipalities in and around the District of Thunder Bay and its present memberships include all the communities in the District as well as the Municipality of Hornepayne and the Township of White River in the District of Algoma.
The Board consists of one member of council from each of the member communities and meets bi-monthly. There are two general membership meetings, the Annual which is held on the first weekend in March and a Fall meeting held in the month of October or November.
The Margaret S. Sideen Award for Political Studies was established by the League at Lakehead University in 1985 and an award is made to a student annually. Margaret Sideen served as a Councillor for the Municipality of Paipoonge and was a dedicated supporter of the League and NOMA. Margaret served as President of the League for two terms, 1967-68 and 1973-74.
Visit the Thunder Bay District Municipal League website
Executive Members
President - Mayor Rick Dumas, Town of Marathon
1st Vice President - Councillor Rodney Swarek, Township of White River
2nd Vice President - Reeve Wendy Wright, Township of Gilles
Past President - Mayor Wendy Landry, Municipality of Shuniah
Executive Director - Nikita Cava
Member Municipalities
Township of Conmee
Township of Dorion
Township of Gillies
Municipality of Greenstone
Township of Hornepayne
Township of Manitowadge
Town of Marathon
Municipality of Neebing
Township of Nipigon
Township of O'Connor
Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge
Township of Red Rock
Township of Schreiber
Municipality of Shuniah
Township of Terrace Bay
Township of White River
Nikita Cava
Executive Director
Thunder Bay District Municipal League
Telephone no. (807) 621-4874
Email: ed.tbdml@gmail.com
Other Municipalities
City of Thunder Bay
Town of Hearst
AGM and Annual Conference - Presentations
2023 - North Superior Planning Board Projects, Partnerships and Labour Market Programs 2022/2024 - CLICK HERE
City of Thunder Bay - Finance Department - CLICK HERE
North Shore Trails - CLICK HERE
Marathon Landfill - CLICK HERE
Winter Road Maintenance - CLICK HERE
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