For immediate release: Thursday, April 26, 2012
KENORA – This week, 200 delegates and guests are attending the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association Annual General Meeting and Conference in Kenora to engage in discussion and policy development on a variety of issues of concern to Northwestern Ontario communities.
At the resolution session this afternoon, NOMA members approved 23 resolutions including policies that call on the Ontario Government to:
- provide payments in lieu of municipal land tax at fair market value;
- ensure that the long term energy plan provides solutions for identified deficiencies; to fund any projects defined as ‘public good’ through general revenues rather than on a business case model; and, that energy produced in the Northwest be first used to create additional wealth and employment in the Northwest;
- examine legislative changes to more effectively address illicit drug trafficking and put in place adequate resources for drug prevention and treatment programs in Northwestern Ontario; and,
- to reverse their decision to close these Travel Information Centres in order to ensure that the Fort Frances, Rainy River and Kenora Travel Centres will be open throughout summer 2012.
NOMA members also approved a resolution in support of construction and operation of a ferrochrome facility in Exton in the Municipality of Greenstone.
Complete information regarding all resolutions debated is available at www.noma.on.ca