Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association - RRDMA
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Rainy River District Municipal Association

We stand together for progress.  A great place to live.

The Rainy River District Municipal Association represents the municipalities in the Rainy River District.
  • Township of Alberton
  • Town of Atikokan
  • Township of Chapple
  • Township of Dawson
  • Township of Emo
  • Town of Fort Frances
  • Township of Lake of the Woods
  • Township of La Vallee
  • Township of Morley
  • Town of Rainy River
The objects of the Association are:
  • To consider matters of general interest to the members and to take united action as required to promote their interests;
  • To petition for the enactment of legislation advantageous to the members;
  • To promote the free exchange of information and mutual understanding among members;
  • To contribute to and support the activities of the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association; and
  • To provide a forum wherein the above objects may be accomplished.


RRDMA Executive Members

President - Doug Hartnell, Mayor, Township of Dawson

Vice President - Mike Behan, Councillor, Town of Fort Frances

Board Members:

Martin Kreger                                  Town of Rainy River

Bill Lundgren                                   Township of Lake of the Woods

Doug Hartnell                                  Township of Dawson

Telford Advent                                 Township of Morley

Trish Neilson                                   Township of Chapple

Lisa Teeple                                      Township of Emo

Elaine Hughes                                 Township of LaVallee

Peter Spuzak                                   Township of Alberton

Mike Behan                                     Town of Fort Frances

Rob Ferguson                                  Town of Atikokan

NOMA Representatives:

Wendy Brunetta, Councillor, Town of Fort Frances

Lisa Teeple, Councillor, Township of Emo

Jason Young, CAO, Town of Atikokan



Rainy River District Municipal Association
Peggy Johnson

Graciously supported by

Ontario Sencia Canada Ltd NOMA Logo

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