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A REAL Treehugger knows that sustainable forestry:
Renews and replenishes the ecosystem; promotes
Economic growth;
Accumulates more carbon; and is the
Lifeblood of communities!
This project seeks to remind Provincial leaders of the importance of ensuring balance is maintained between economic, environmental and social impacts when creating and amending Ontario’s regulations and legislation.
- email Provincial leaders to show your support for sustainable forestry (see below)
- like us on Facebook
- follow us on Twitter
- check out the REAL Treehuggers blog
- email your story to admin@noma.on.ca to be profiled on our blog
Contact Provincial Leaders to Show your Support for Sustainable Forestry
STEP ONE: Copy the text below into a blank email and sign with your name and mailing address (including Postal Code)
Honourable David Orazietti, Minister of Natural Resources
Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario
Laurie Scott, PC Critic for Natural Resources
John Vanthof, NDP Critic for Natural Resources
Dear Honourable Members:
In recent years we have seen increasing opposition to forestry activities and a related reduction of available fibre under the guise of environmental protection, with little consideration of the economic and social needs of our communities.
Recent activities by some environmental groups appear to assign a higher value to the environment than they do to economic and social development needs. Their attacks on the forest industry represent a direct assault on the communities across Ontario that depend on sustainable forestry to provide jobs for their families.
A REAL Treehugger knows that sustainable forestry:
Renews and replenishes the ecosystem; promotes
Economic growth;
Accumulates more carbon; and is the
Lifeblood of communities!
I am a REAL Treehugger. I understand the importance of sustainable forestry to ensure the ongoing support of jobs in our communities. I am committed to the “three pillar approach” to sustainable development, which recognizes that responsible, balanced policy requires consideration of economic, social and environmental impacts.
To ensure a balanced approach, I call on the Government of Ontario to conduct transparent socio-economic impact assessments prior to decisions being made on all new or revised legislation, regulations and policies that may impact forestry.
Thank you,
STEP TWO: Copy these addresses into the "to" field of your email program
STEP THREE: Include the email address of your local MPP in the "cc" field of your email program
Find your MPP's email address here
NOMA will collect copies of emails and will prepare a list of supporters and email addresses. We will not trade or sell your email address. It will only be used to provide you with information on the REAL Treehugger project.