Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association - Time to Grow: A Regional Economic Development Plan for Northwestern Ontario 2025-2035 Tracker
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Time to Grow: A Regional Economic Development Plan for Northwestern Ontario 2025-2035 Tracker







Goal 1: Increase the number of Indigenous individuals who are employed in Northwestern Ontario by 2% a year from 2025 to 2035.



Goal 2: Increase the migration (interprovincial, intraprovincial, and international) of people under 40 to the following levels by 2025 and stay at or above these figures until 2035:

  • Thunder Bay Census Division – 1000
  • Kenora Census Division – 200
  • Rainy River Census Division – 100



Goal 3: Enhance quality and access to Labour Market Information across the region so that:

a. By 2025 ensure labour market information (including existing skills inventory, expected retirements by job type, and projected workforce demand) is readily available and updated at least annually for every municipality with a population greater than 1000.

b. By 2030 similar information is available for every municipality and unorganized area.


2025 & 2030

Goal 4: By 2030 60% of Northwestern Ontario's population, and by 2035 80% of Northwestern Ontario's population should be:

a. within a 30-minute drive of a library, neighbourhood park, primary education, childcare, grocery store, or pharmacy.

b. within a 60-minute drive of in-person access to government services, health care, post-secondary education, and a recreation facility (pool, rink, recreation centre).


2030 & 2035

Goal 5: Improve the public “face” of our region so that:

  • By 2030 50% of Northwestern Ontario's communities should have completed an entrance, rehabilitation, and beautification project.
  • By 2035 100% of Northwestern Ontario's communities should have done so.



2030 & 2035

Goal 6: Continue to improve high speed internet and cellular access throughout Northwestern Ontario so that:

  • By 2025 100% of Northwestern Ontario's population has access to internet services with download speeds of 50 Mbps and upload speeds of 10 Mbps.
  • By 2030 100% of communities with a population greater than 10,000 have access to internet services with download speed of 100 Mbps and upload speeds of 30 Mbps.
  • By 2035 75% of Northwestern Ontario's population has access to internet services with download speed of 100 Mbps and upload speeds of 30 Mbps.
  • By 2025 all remaining gaps in cellular coverage along the primary and secondary highway systems have been measured and accurately mapped based on direct measurement and not tower range estimation.
  • By 2030 50% of the identified cellular coverage gaps by confirmed coverage from a least two national cellular networks.
  • By 2035 100% of primary and secondary highways in Northwestern Ontario have confirmed coverage for their full length from at least two national cellular networks.



2025 & 2030 & 2035

Goal 7: Continue to enhance and improve the electrical transmission infrastructure in Northwestern Ontario by ensuring that:

  • By 2030 all communities at the end of existing radial lines will either have parallel/looped transmission lines in place or sufficient local generation has been established to provide a second source of supply.
  • By 2030 25% of the transmission and distribution lines identified as having “aged out” will have been replaced.
  • By 2035 all of remaining transmission and distribution lines that have “aged out” will have been replaced.
  • By 2035 a plan is in place to replace/upgrade transmission and distribution lines going forward so that we do not find ourselves being serviced by “aged out” infrastructure in the future.



2030 & 2035

Goal 8: Continue to improve scheduled mass transit between communities in Northwestern Ontario so that:

  • By 2030, a 7-day a week, same-day, inter-community bus service is in place between:
    • Emo and Thunder Bay
    • Winnipeg and Thunder Bay
    • Greenstone (Longlac) and Thunder Bay
    • White River and Thunder Bay
  • The link between Northwestern Ontario and Northeastern Ontario is maintained but shortened to run from White River to Sault St Marie (and beyond).
  • By 2035 a separate community shuttle service is in place to feed passengers located on secondary highways into the primary Northwest intercommunity bus service.



2030 & 2035

Goal 9: Continue to make the primary and secondary highways in Northwestern Ontario safer and more welcoming by ensuring that:

  • By 2030 at least 75% of the communities accessible from the primary highway network and 50% of those accessible from the secondary highway network should have signage similar or equivalent to that on Highway 401 for services, attractions, and facilities at highway intersections.
  • By 2035 at least 90% of the communities accessible from the primary highway network and 80% of those accessible from the secondary highway network should have signage similar or equivalent to that on Highway 401 for services, attractions, and facilities at highway intersections.
  • By 2030 100% of the communities on the primary highway network and 100% of those on the secondary highway network should have distance-to-service warnings for gas, restaurant, accommodation, and comfort facilities immediately before entering each municipality or settlement.
  • By 2030 100% of the primary highway network should have access to functional and well-equipped year-round facilities (public or private) with restrooms at intervals no greater than 100km.
  • By 2035 100% of the secondary highway network should have access to functional and well-equipped year-round facilities (public or private) with restrooms at intervals no greater than 100km.



2030 & 2035

Goal 10: Improve affordability, reliability, and safety of connections to remote communities in Northwestern Ontario by ensuring that:

  • By 2030, 3 remote runways in Northwestern Ontario have been extended by a minimum of 500 meters provided the community supports such an extension.
  • By 2035, at least 5 more remote runways in Northwestern Ontario have been extended by a minimum of 500 meters provided the community supports such an extension.
  • By 2030 at least 200 kilometers of “winter roads” have been upgraded to “all season” roads provided the affected communities support such infrastructure investments.
  • By 2035 at least another 200 kilometers of “winter roads” have been upgraded to “all season” roads provided the affected communities support such infrastructure investments.


2030 & 2035

Goal 11: Accelerate improvements to the safety and capacity of the highway system in Northwestern Ontario by ensuring that:

  • By 2030 all current twinning projects that have passed the preliminary planning stage as of 2025 are completed.
  • By 2030 plans are in place to implement a 2 plus1 highway system for the entire length of any un-twinned sections of the primary highways from the Manitoba border to Sault Ste Marie
  • By 2040 a 2 plus1 highway system is in place for the entire length of any un-twinned sections of the primary highways from the Manitoba border to Sault Ste Marie
  • By 2035 plans are in place to implement a 2 plus1 highway system for the entire length of the secondary highways in Northwestern Ontario.
  • By 2045 a 2 plus1 highway system is in place for the entire length of the secondary highways in Northwestern Ontario.


2030 & 2040 & 2045

Goal 12: Enhance the viability and sustainability of municipal airports throughout Northwestern Ontario by ensuring that:

  • By 2025 100% of municipal airports can qualify for federal or provincial capital and operating assistance.
  • By 2030 at least 75% of municipal airports have regularly scheduled service for at least six months of the year.


2025 & 2030


Goal 13: Continue to improve housing accessible to seniors so that:

  • By 2030, 50% of municipalities with more than 1000 in population should have at least one senior's complex with access to reasonable assisted living supports.
  • By 2035, 75% of municipalities with more than 1000 in population should have at least one senior's complex with access to reasonable assisted living supports.


2030 & 2035

Goal 14: Continue to improve housing for at-risk populations so that:

  • By 2030 municipalities with a population greater than 10,000 have the ability to house at least 75% of their previous five-year average of at-risk populations in affordable and supportive housing.
  • By 2035 municipalities with a population greater than 10,000 have the ability to house at least 90% of their previous five-year average of at-risk populations in affordable and supportive housing.


2030 & 2035

Goal 15: Continue to improve housing affordability in Northwestern Ontario so that:

  • By 2025 60% of Northwestern Ontario's population has access to housing that does not cost more than 30% of their annual income.
  • By 2030 80% of Northwestern Ontario's population has access to housing that does not cost more than 30% of their annual income.
  • By 2035 90% of Northwestern Ontario's population has access to housing that does not cost more than 30% of their annual income.


2025 & 2030 & 2035


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