Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association - Riding Redistribution
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Riding Redistribution

Whereas the Government of Canada has announced its intention to increase the number of ridings in Ontario by 18; and

Whereas the Government of Ontario has announced that it may increase the number of ridings in Ontario by 18; and

Whereas the assumption of the announcement is that the increase in population in southern Ontario requires increased representation; and

Whereas there is a history of the number of federal ridings in Northern Ontario being reduced (12 seats in 1974 down to 10 seats starting in 1987); and

Whereas under Ontario’s Fewer Politicians Act the number of Northern Ontario provincial ridings was reduced from 15 to 11 in 1996; and

Whereas with the passing of the Representation Act, 2005, Ontario’s electoral boundaries are no longer identical to the federal electoral boundaries and that Northern Ontario’s 11 ridings that existed on October 2, 2003 were ‘protected; and

Whereas both the Parliament of Canada and the Legislature of Ontario have the authority to determine how many ridings will exist in Northern Ontario; and

Whereas the physical size of the ridings in Northern Ontario makes it extremely difficult for residents to meet with their elected provincial or federal official on a regular basis so that the constituent can inform their elected representative of their views on the issue(s) of the day because of the travel distances between communities; and

Whereas the overall gradually declining population of Northern Ontario in relationship to the growing population in the rest of Ontario, poses as a threat that will see the number of ridings in the North reduced to assist in increasing the number of ridings in the GTA/905 area in response to political pressure; and

Whereas Northern Ontario defines their region as that area north of the French River.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association urge the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario, along with the Members of the Legislature and the House of Commons to:
a) Guarantee that there will be no further reduction in the number of seats in either House representing the people of Northern Ontario
b) Add a minimum of one additional seat for Northern Ontario in the House of Commons to match the current number of Provincial Ridings, and

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that this resolution be forwarded to all NOMA members, FONOM, AMO, Common Voice Northwest and NOACC asking that it be adopted by them and forwarded to the respective governments; and

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the NOMA Board develop a strategy to assist in convincing the governments of the importance of the goal.

Adopted April 2010

Graciously supported by

Ontario Sencia Canada Ltd NOMA Logo

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