Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association - Caribou Habitat Regulations
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The Ontario Forest Industries Association (OFIA) has expressed concern, based on their discussions with the Species at Risk Branch, that the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources intends to move forward with new and untested measures for caribou management, including the possible development and implementation of a Caribou Habitat Regulation during the upcoming winter season.

In early 2010, the OFIA conducted a socio-economic assessment that considered a range of potential impacts resulting from the government’s proposed Caribou Habitat Regulation.  This assessment, which was conducted using government data and MNR assumptions, indicates a Caribou Habitat Regulation would result in the loss of somewhere in the range of 2 million to almost 9 million cubic metres of industrial wood fibre, the loss of 600 to 3,200 jobs and would jeopardize somewhere in the range of 19 to 25 northern communities.

NOMA is concerned with the potential impact of Caribou Habitat Regulation on our municipalities and is doubly concerned that such regulations could be implemented without consultations regarding the social and economic impacts being undertaken in advance.



THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association call on the Government of Ontario to complete comprehensive and transparent consultations regarding the social and economic consequences of any draft proposed Caribou Habitat Regulations; and,

FURTHER THAT the results of said consultations be made publicly available for a reasonable period of time prior to proceeding with any approval process regarding Caribou Habitat Regulations.

Adopted by the NOMA Board, November 2010

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