Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association - Pedestrian Safety Crossing Provincial Highways
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Pedestrian Safety Crossing Provincial Highways

WHEREAS the majority of communities in the Northwest have Provincial Highways cutting through their urban areas; and

WHEREAS Municipalities require and fund a higher standard for pedestrian crossings on major municipal roads than the Province requires of its highways that cross through urban areas; and

WHEREAS pedestrian safety is a high priority for the people of Northwestern  Ontario.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NOMA urge the Government of  Ontario to adopt appropriate safety standards for pedestrian crossings of major arteries, and

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that NOMA distribute this resolution to the Minister of Transportation, the Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry, area MPPs, Member Municipalities with a request for support.

Adopted April 2010

Graciously supported by

Ontario Sencia Canada Ltd NOMA Logo

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